Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Must Deepen My Feelings

I must deepen [my] feelings and find the illumination of [my] natural soul within them.

And after that [I must] expand, with a holy and pure mind, one that is broad and encompassing, to gain wisdom via the purification of the wisdom hidden in [my] feelings, [for] a number of levels of supernal revelations are revealed in accordance with the nature of the holiness within them.

Even [if this is] in the form of smallness and dimness, [in accordance with] my impoverished worth, nevertheless, all of the highest levels are to be found even within the smallest spark—from the beginning of the supernal illumination of Adam to the lowest levels of imagination and feeling—with an ability similar to the ability of poetry and song and rhetoric. And every awakening of an elevated spirit—all of it has come forth from Hashem.

“He has done wondrous counsel, He has made great wisdom.”

Chadarav, p. 136

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