Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Clear Thought of the Torah of the Land of Israel

Not only aggadah is illumined by the light of the clear thought of the Torah of the land of Israel, but halachah as well—explanatory principles, analysis of halachic decisions, the roots of various [halachic] approaches and their general understanding as rooted in the depths of a life of spirit and action.

And [this refers] not only to the Torah in its scholarly sense, to that which is to be found within the four cubits of halachah, but to an illumination of all life, all of which is dependent upon a wealth of thought.

With the depth of the coming spiritual renaissance of the Torah of the land of Israel, the boundaries and iron curtains between topics, between fields, will diminish. The entire spiritual world will be surveyed at a [single] glance in the atmosphere of the souls of the land of life.

The glory of life of the enchanting mysteries, the flash of complex debate and the encouragement of the revival of the Congregation of Israel upon holy ground, the clarification of halachot and the broadening of vision and song, a desire for excellent diligence and a desire for physical development—all of these and their like (which outside the land of Israel, and which in accordance with the way of the world before the days of revival that stand behind our wall have been judged to be distant from each other and contradicting each other) stand for us now to be bound together in a collection of a connection and true bond. And each supports the other: broadening and deepening each other, expanding and perfecting each other.

Orot Hatorah 13:4

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