Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Righteous Toil

The righteous toil with a spiritual toil when their faith in themselves is diminished, and then they believe that they are like the masses of people.

And even if they imagine themselves to be the most refined and learned of them, they will not escape an inner lowliness.

But they must know that the quality of their soul is an entirely different, supernal quality, that yearning for the light of holiness and clinging to the divine is demanded of them at every moment.

And they must constantly influence all souls that draw sustenance from their great and encompassing soul.

Included in the definition of such righteous people are all those whose inner yearning for the secrets of Torah and for the reasoning of holy wisdom in its totality clings to them by their nature.

At times their light is diminished and at times they fall into all sorts of trivial pursuits. But regarding that, the verse states that “the righteous person falls seven times but rises” (Ecclesiastes).

After whatever such a person may go through, he may not remove his faith in the essence of he holiness of his soul, but say with complete conviction, “Know that Hashem has set aside the pious one for Him, Hashem will listen to those who call Him.”


A person who is fit for true fear of heaven, for piety and holiness, must know that it is utterly impossible to be like the average man.

Instead, he must toil to keep hold of his unique character.

Orot Hakodesh III p. 214

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